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looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop?

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looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop? Empty looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop?

Post  zoec Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:15 pm

Hello Smile
I'm totally new in this, I find it really fascinating and I try to indentify things on my own hand for a first and it's really not easy ^^'''
So after reading a little about finger print I found some loop in my palm but after looking closely it wasn't really loops, at least not perfect loops, or even really messy some time. So my question is how do you inditify this then? is it still related to the loop meaning or doesn't have specific interpretation because not a perfect shape?

Thank you ~
looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop? Monts-10
looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop? Monts-11


Posts : 3
Join date : 2019-09-16

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looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop? Empty Re: looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop?

Post  Martijn (admin) Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:09 pm

Hi zoec,

It's not very unusual to see such a variation (present in both hands); by the way, in your left ID4 zone you have two interdigital loops in the palmar zone between your pinky and ring finger.

Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop? Empty Re: looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop?

Post  zoec Fri Sep 20, 2019 10:00 am

Thank you a lot for your answer flower ! So even if they don't look perfect do we still call them loop? I tried to indentify all loops in the picture below, and for the left hand Are these the two loops? +I found a strange little form, but it's just one little curve. what about this one? an "accidental" shape? If you have enough time can you tell me if my identifications of loops/tiradius are correct? thank you a lot Very Happy

looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop? Detail12

looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop? Detail11


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looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop? Empty Re: looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop?

Post  Martijn (admin) Sat Sep 21, 2019 10:26 am

You have featured a 'white loop' + very close triradius in your picture, but both are not really therely (I think you have associated a crease line to represent a ride line).

But the other features are basically just fine; in general there is no need to speak of 'accidental' shapes (for multiple reasons).

PS. In general it would be best to draw loops only with the ridge lines that start from the triradii; this method will give you instantly an impression regarding the 'shape' of the loop; additionally, you might also add some ridges in case of for example an incomplete loop.

The use of dots is not recommended, because that might more easily result in inaccurate pattern formations; only line make it possible to see instantly the progression of the ridge lines outside the featured (ridge) line.

I hope this makes sense?
Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop? Empty Re: looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop?

Post  zoec Sun Sep 22, 2019 1:38 am

Thank you a lot for you answer, very clear Smile
And thank you for your advice for drawing the presence of a loop, I really didn't know how to do that and it was difficult to see well what is part of the loop, now I understand better ^-^


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Join date : 2019-09-16

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looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop? Empty Re: looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop?

Post  Martijn (admin) Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:05 pm

Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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Location : The Netherlands

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looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop? Empty loops

Post  sonu21 Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:06 pm

It's not a loop ,and such prints can't be read alone in palmistry with reference to ur heart line it's indicating that u r very sensitive and emotional person easily get affected by surrounding energy , emotional issues and environment easily affect ur heart function at micro level . U r also prone to eye related issues.

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looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop? Empty Re: looks like a loop on the palm but not a loop?

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