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Double loop or Empathy Loop + Nature loop on the moon mount

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Double loop or Empathy Loop + Nature loop on the moon mount Empty Double loop or Empathy Loop + Nature loop on the moon mount

Post  elizabethmeyer Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:20 pm

When do two loops form a double loop? In this pattern on the Moon mount, is it a double loop or two separate loops: an empathy loop and a nature loop?

Double loop or Empathy Loop + Nature loop on the moon mount Loopso10

Last edited by elizabethmeyer on Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Enable BBCode in this post)

Posts : 12
Join date : 2015-02-25
Age : 46
Location : Pretoria, South Africa

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Double loop or Empathy Loop + Nature loop on the moon mount Empty Re: Double loop or Empathy Loop + Nature loop on the moon mount

Post  Martijn (admin) Mon Jun 08, 2015 8:45 pm

Hi Elizabeth,

In general one can say that when two loops flow around each other they represent double loop.

In cases of doubt one needs to take a look at the path of the ridges that start from each 'core' (= the center of the loop): in your example we can see that the ridge lines starting from the upper loop curl around the lower loop - which indicates that the upper loop curls around the lower loop.

Conclusion: your example is obviously a double loop.

(I hope I have described it well enough, but you can basically use the principles that are suitable for assessing fingerprints; one can also take a look at the triradii, but the issue of the palmar triradii concerns a complex advanced issue - which I might start discussing whenever it becomes necessary, but that is not the case in your example... but maybe your are able to find the 3 zones where the triradii are found surrounding the 2 loops inside your example)
Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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Double loop or Empathy Loop + Nature loop on the moon mount Empty Re: Double loop or Empathy Loop + Nature loop on the moon mount

Post  elizabethmeyer Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:00 am

Thank you Martijn - this is very helpful!

Just for interest sake, in comparison, on the same person's left hand the two separate loops can be seen clearly:

Double loop or Empathy Loop + Nature loop on the moon mount Twoloo10

(Nature loop and Empathy loop if I m correct).


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Age : 46
Location : Pretoria, South Africa

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Double loop or Empathy Loop + Nature loop on the moon mount Empty Re: Double loop or Empathy Loop + Nature loop on the moon mount

Post  Martijn (admin) Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:16 am

Hi Elizabeth,

In your 2nd example we can see again how the upper loop curls around the lower loop; for this reason I think one can best describe this also as a 'double loop'.

Even though these two loops are located at a larger distance than in your first example, I don't see a fundamental basis to describe them to represent two separate loops: e.g. because both loops are found inside the zone of the 3 triradii involved (one of these triradii is located on the left side just outside the print).

Technically, in both examples one can also see that both loops flow to the same side of the hand: the ulnar side; only the direction of the cores is different - but that is also typical for a fingerprint 'double loop'!

PS. I think I could even say that it takes an ulnar loop (a.k.a. loop of nature) + a radial loop (a.k.a. loop of memory) to speak of two separate loops, or for example the combination of an ulnar loop + a carpal loop (a.k.a. inspiration loop).

Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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Location : The Netherlands

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Double loop or Empathy Loop + Nature loop on the moon mount Empty Re: Double loop or Empathy Loop + Nature loop on the moon mount

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