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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Martijn (admin)
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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Post  Martijn (admin) Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:51 am

AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Aishwarya-rai

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan gained fame by winning the Miss World title in 1994, and she is also known as one of the most famous Bollywood stars (maybe the most famous actress). In a poll conducted by Hello Magazine, green eyed Aishwarya was voted number one as the most attractive woman of 2003, beating other actresses such as Nicole Kidman, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Gwyneth Paltrow.

An interesting characteristics in her hands is the long heart line (which appears to transverse her full palm), combined with the long splitting headline - in her right hand (but she probably has the same characteristics in her left hand). Combined with a well-developed pinky- + ring finger... such characteristics are often seen in vivid, expressive actresses.

AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Masalapix-aishwarya-rai-cannes09-3

AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Aishwarya_rai_bachchan_black_s

Last edited by Martijn (admin) on Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:47 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Martijn (admin)

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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty Re: AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Post  Martijn (admin) Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:01 pm

AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! 82972_f520

Aishwarya Rai palm readings are available at:

By the way, Bollywood star Aishwary Rai is also featured at Madame Tussauds in London:

AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Aish

AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! 19look3

AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! AISH

AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Aishwarya-rai-valentines-day-05
Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty Hands of Fame.Are they really.

Post  Raman Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:01 pm

Seeing her hands only (as ordinary pair of hands) had it been possible to predict the fame she has got in her life?
Or as a matter of fact seeing any famous personalities hand(without any prior knowledge of whom they belong to ) is it possible to predict the fame?
90 % of so called palmists would fail to predict the same.
It is only after seeing the hands of famous personalities that we try to make the generalizations/analysis fall in line.
I have seen some forum member's prediction failing miserably in this forum only when I assume that most people listed have some basic knowledge of palmistry.
Rather than giving palm prints of famous , palm prints of downtrodden should be posted as case study as to why the subject is not making it big in life.
Some celebrities hand are quite ordinary but in this forum we have been trying to make the best out of worst lines from the hand of celebrities.No critical analysis I must say.




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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty Re: AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Post  Martijn (admin) Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:04 pm

Hello Raman,

First of all, thank you for your response.
Second, I can relate to some aspects of your observation, but I am wondering... is your comment also a response to what I wrote earlier in this topic about the hands of this Bollywood star?

Basically, I posted these materials just to share an impression from her hands. And additionally I made some (superficial) observations... but I think we would need much better high-resolution photos to make any deeper observations.

So this topic is not much more than a 'tribute' to Aishwarya Rai's hands.

Actually, I am always ready to face some critical comments & observations... but so far I sense a lack of details in your post and therefore your words only make me wonder:
'Are you sure that you posted your thoughts in an appropriate topic?'

If so, please specify your observations... otherwise I think I am not able to take any further actions beyond what I have just written! Wink


PS. By the way... respected Raman, I also want you to know that I am very hapy with your input at this forum so far, and l hope you will feel free to continue providing people critical & 'solid' feedback! Thumbs up!
Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty Re: AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Post  Truthseeker2 Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:45 am


Yes, it is true. Most celebrities hands look very similar to VOP (very ordinarily person) hands. In my professional years (long time ago), I read hands of many Hollywood celebrities including John Ritter of Three's a Company fame. So, the question is: who is at fault, palmisty or the palmist? The answer is (surprise, surprise): it is the palmist. Most palmists focus on lines (the inherited/genetic) component and not the aspect that AN INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPS ON HIS/HER OWN!!!! I could go on and on, unfortunately I don't have the time!

Here's the bottom line: if you want to see extraordinary success in a hand do the following:
1. Give the aspects an individual develops via effort/work more weight as opposed to inherited/genetic ones.

2. Don't focus on individual aspects (like a perfect Sun Line) but look at the hand as a Jigsaw Puzzle with thousands of pieces. So, essentially, look at the hand "holistically" i.e. from a Gestalt perspective (the whole is greater than the sum of the parts). Only when you look at palmistry from a Gestalt perspective will you begin to understand the whole concept behind palmistry

Generally (in my 40-year experience), there will be multiple signs in a truly remarkable person's hand. But these signs are not easy to see or decipher by at least 90% of palmists as they have not developed enough skill (based on a reading tens of thousands of hands) to be able to distinguish the usual from the unusual.

Another point that is indeed valid is the Barnum Effect ( Conversely, the "proof of the pudding" is to ask a reader to tell about specific events regarding one's past. I could always distinguish the genuine readers as opposed to the charlatans and the delusional readers!


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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty Re: AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Post  Martijn (admin) Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:02 pm

AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! 167399_10150335826060184_806735183_16099602_775126_n

Another interesting characteristic of Aishwary Rai's right hand is that both the heart line and the head line appear to be 'straight' (though the head line is actually 'splitting' with a lower branch which does appear to have a 'curve' - the other photos).

But let's not forget: the absence of an 'upward curve' is an indication that her heart line is long, strong... but far from 'perfect'.
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Martijn (admin)

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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty Re: AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Post  Helen Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:33 am

Martijin wrote:
But let's not forget: the absence of an 'upward curve' is an indication that her heart line is long, strong... but far from 'perfect'.

I agree with you Martijin. In personal / intimate life she may experience lot of difficulties. In my understanding that type of Heart Line represents an individual who is very emotional, but always holds emotions to her self / him self. Also Heart Line that riches straight across a palm can represent an individual who fully devoting his or her self to a career or some other interest, so many times family members or loved once are put on the second place.

What do you think?

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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty Re: AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Post  Martijn (admin) Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:41 pm

Hi Helen,

Well, I would prefer not to draw any conclusions based solely on her 'raisor straight heart line', but my thought is that it can be recognized as a sign of an identification with the materialistic side of life. And some of the things that you described can be the result of that... Thumbs up!

Let's not forget that this former 'miss World' has been living in the spot lights since age 13, and obviously: she never got bored by attention...


"Okay, let's take statistics. How many interviews have I given you in the last six years? Just five or six? Doesn't that say something? I hate to sound immodest, but this dates back to my personality since the age of 13. I've always got attention, which at times has been quite unwarranted."

Sounds like she is living a dream, but what does she really accomplish with her life? I guess it takes a certain kind of 'personality' to become successful in modeling & acting... because basically it is all about how other people perceive her as a 'personality' and 'beauty queen'.

But no doubt that she is intelligent: she speaks five languages. And she had planned to study architecture. Anyway, at age 19 she started her career as a professional model - so obviously at a rather early age she prefered to use her beauty instead of her brains. And it must have been the right decision - but again, no doubt that she is an intelligent woman.

By the way, Aishwarya Rai prefers not to talk to the media about her personal life. So, her heart is for sure not an open book.
Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty Re: AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Post  Helen Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:34 pm

Thanks Martijn,
Your respond definetly clears out some of questions that I have about line interpretation and palm studies.

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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty Re: AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Post  Martijn (admin) Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:28 am

Thanks Helen,

Very nice to hear that my thoughts became useful for your regarding multiple questions.

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Martijn (admin)

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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty Re: AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Post  Parender Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:14 pm

Martijin wrote:

Well, I would prefer not to draw any conclusions based solely on her 'raisor straight heart line', but my thought is that it can be recognized as a sign of an identification with the materialistic side of life.

I have to say not only with the materialistic side of life but with every good side of life i.e. love, ambition, leadership, power, enthusiasm, pride, dignity, religion, honor, expansion, richness and general love for human beings.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan possesses a Humanitarian Heart Line i.e. extends all the way across the palm and out the other side. This Humanitarian Heart Line symbolizes that the loving heart energy is directed to the outer world side of the hand and to other people. She is a big hearted person. Humanitarian people care for, and love all, living things: people, animals and trees. Humanitarians have a strong commitment to expressions of love for all, especially the helpless and weak. Their attention and sympathies are very easily attracted to every humanitarian project that comes into the news.

This description of the Humanitarian Heart Line applies only when there is also a sufficient Head Line too on the palm.

The Humanitarian's challenge in a relationship is to not neglect self or their mate while they are pulled toward yet another humanitarian crusade. The mate for the humanitarian often feels neglected and abandon and must have a lot of patience.

Abhishek Bachchan her husband is well culturaled Indian gentleman. Who is son of Amitabh Bachchan who is a living legend and extremely humble person. Abhishekh Bachchan have sufficient patience. So, relationship is intact. I think he has shown more than sufficient patience. Sacrifice of personal demands –even natural instincts or desires -to please loved ones brings them nearer. Their bond is strong I think. Intelligent both are definitely.

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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty Re: AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Post Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:01 pm

It is difficult to focus on her hand bcz she her self is so beautiful...Very Happy

anyway it look like she has girdle of Venus. it is present in most of the artists hands. Madam Noor Jahan (a famous singer from Pakistan) had it.

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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty Re: AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Post  anithapalm Sun Feb 17, 2013 9:28 pm

can anyone post close and clear picture of her left hand if anyone have..


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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty HAND OF AISHWARYA RAI

Post  KAMAL DANI Sat Jun 08, 2013 1:54 pm

Mount of Venus & Mount of Moon are well developed - which are prerequisite for the Success of an Artist or a Film Star( in the hand of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan).
also the Head Line is forked-- it indicates Dual Career--she was earlier a Model
and later she turned into an Actress & Film Star.

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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty AISHWARYA RAI HANDS CLEAR PICS ACCORDING TO ME

Post  palmistfarrukh.J.Awan Tue May 23, 2017 8:02 pm

AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Aishwa12Martijin, i think you are right about her heart line and her mercury finger, these type of girl will suffer from their love life and affairs, these type of heart line shows weak love relations and affairs in native life and unable to carry love relation successfully, and her mercury finger set low although the length of finger is crossing the second pheling of the sun finger, it also denoted that she is cleaver but also problematic nature in relationship. but the more importing think is may be you misread the head line because of poor picture quality of hand print, so i posted the hand pics of aishwarya rai with available best quality to give predictions about her life aur achievements. her hand is no doubt is a artistic hand, and her fate line is starting the base of mount of luna which shows her appearance and attraction with public and fame related to public field, her mount of luna is also discuss able in her hand.Important line in the hand of aishwarya is fate and helping fate lines or progressing lines regarding her achievement is showing her achievements in her career, the thickness of lines is also important. sun is appearing above the heart line is also big sign of star fame and wealthy sign. regarding other signs the triangles in the middle of palm also shows her great career and ability to make money and wealthy status in the region. i think these prints will reveals more about her..Farrukh Javed Awan

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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty Re: AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994!

Post  Martijn (admin) Thu May 25, 2017 11:35 am

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan also has a Sydney line in her right hand:

AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Aishwa10

AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Aishwa11
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Martijn (admin)

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AISHWARYA RAI - Bollywood actress: into the hands of Miss World 1994! Empty her Left hand

Post  palmistfarrukh.J.Awan Fri May 26, 2017 8:55 am

thanks for posting clear image of right hand about her sydney line, and what is your opinion about her let hand.

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