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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  Martijn (admin) Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:16 pm

Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Header_palmistry

What do we know about the history of classic Indian palmistry?

First of all, what you really should know is that the book 'Hasta Samudrika Shastra' was written in the year 3102 B.C. This writing is known as the oldest known writing about hand reading (palmistry) in the world - and concerns a chapter of one of the oldest & most well-known writings in the history of human kind: the Indian Vedas.

In a 400 years old book 'Sariraka Shastra' is described how Vedic stanzas describe that 'Samudrika Shastra' (translated: 'body knowledge') evolved while Lord Vishnu was enjoying his yoga nidra in the company of his consort Lakshmi - on the serpents snake. Then the sea-lord Samudra arrived and began to write down the auspicious marks on the bodies of the divine couple - for the guidance of humanity.

Lord Vishnu + his consort Lakshmi on the serpent snake in the sea:
Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! 130209031333-cobra_5

Unfortunately, the author of this old book is unknown...   Oh...nooo! ... but fortunately...  cheers ... I have a very nice litle translations of the book in lying in from of me, titled: 'Sariraka Sastra: Indian Science of Hand Reading based on the Kartikeyan System' by the well-known palmistry author V.A.K. Ayer.

'Hasta Samudrika Shastra' can literally be translated as: 'body knowledge of the hand' (hasta means 'hand').

NOTICE: Mispellings are seen quite commonly, resulting in: 'hast samudrik shastra', 'hasta samudrik shastra' and 'hast samudrika shastra', etc.

For those who would like to read more about the true origins of Vedic palmistry (+ why you will usually not find it in the street of India), I would like to recommend the following writings presented by Hart de Fouw (US) presentations:

(Your comments + complementary information is welcome!)

Last edited by Martijn (admin) on Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:27 pm; edited 12 times in total (Reason for editing : Outdated link deleted)
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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Re: Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  Martijn (admin) Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:25 pm


An example of 'palmistry-abuse' in India was recently described by the Australia palm reader Roslyn Motter:
REPORT: Australian palm reader goes for a palm reading in India!

(Actually, it's a rather amusing story!)
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Martijn (admin)

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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Re: Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  Roosi Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:21 am

Hi wave

BTW copy of this book is available In russian palmistry sites Surprised

(Hast Samudrika Shastra: The Indian Science of Hand Reading K. C. Sen (Author), K. G. Saiyidain (Foreword) )

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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Re: Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  Hok Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:37 am

Roosi wrote:Hi wave

BTW copy of this book is available In russian palmistry sites Surprised

(Hast Samudrika Shastra: The Indian Science of Hand Reading K. C. Sen (Author), K. G. Saiyidain (Foreword) )
Any link to download.


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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Re: Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  Martijn (admin) Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:09 am

Roosi wrote:Hi wave

BTW copy of this book is available In russian palmistry sites Surprised

(Hast Samudrika Shastra: The Indian Science of Hand Reading K. C. Sen (Author), K. G. Saiyidain (Foreword) )

Hello Roosi,

While mister Sen's book is titled 'Hast Samudrika Shastra' (1969), the content of the book almost completely based on the works of western palmists. So, the title of the book is a bit misleading... because it does not really relate to the ancient 'Hasta Samudrika Shastra'.

Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Re: Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  Roosi Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:38 am

Martijn (admin) wrote:
Roosi wrote:Hi wave

BTW copy of this book is available In russian palmistry sites Surprised

(Hast Samudrika Shastra: The Indian Science of Hand Reading K. C. Sen (Author), K. G. Saiyidain (Foreword) )

Hello Roosi,

While mister Sen's book is titled 'Hast Samudrika Shastra' (1969), the content of the book almost completely based on the works of western palmists. So, the title of the book is a bit misleading... because it does not really relate to the ancient 'Hasta Samudrika Shastra'.



I afraid this - it's just too good to be true Crying or Very sad


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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Re: Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  Manfred Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:24 pm

Hy Rosi and Martijn,

...just jumped off the airplane this early morning - I would motify Martijn's answer a little bit:
If you like Indian style or "classical" palmistry, K.C. Sen's "Hast Samudrika Shastra" is very worth to study and to know the content.
He knows the older (before the 1950ies) Western palmistry tradition very much. In his book he uses Western and Indian palmistry.
For excample: In the Capter IV: Cheiromancy he wrote about different "marks and signs according to Western school" and about "marks and sings according to Hindu school".
But it wasn't really possible for me to use the second patterns until today.

I think Martijn talked about "Sariraka shastra", translated and issued by V.A.K. Ayer.


Martijn: Please, can you prove it if it's really for free?

Last edited by Martijn (admin) on Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:20 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Link edited)


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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Re: Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  mikebull Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:39 am

Dear Manfred

I am really keen to read this book but it seems to be out of print. I have tried following this link but I cant see how to get to the download . . . i get to the nitrodownloads page but i can't see a reference to the book ... am i missing something?

Last edited by Martijn (admin) on Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Link edited)


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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Re: Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  Martijn (admin) Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:15 am

mikebull wrote:
Dear Manfred

I am really keen to read this book but it seems to be out of print. I have tried following this link but I cant see how to get to the download . . . i get to the nitrodownloads page but i can't see a reference to the book ... am i missing something?

Hello mikebull,

Manfred's download-website suggestion ( appears to be no longer in use - since that website now only presents ads (which indicates that the domain name is no longer in use)


Last edited by Martijn (admin) on Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:28 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Link edited)
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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Re: Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  Manfred Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:08 am

Hello mikebull,

I agree with Martijn. I did the vote one or two years ago.



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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Re: Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  mikebull Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:19 pm

OK, thank you for the replies


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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Re: Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  Martijn (admin) Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:28 pm

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Martijn (admin)

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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Re: Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  Stijn Sat Oct 07, 2017 4:49 pm

You can find the book online here:


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Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system! Empty Re: Hasta Samudrika Shastra - the most ancient palmistry system!

Post  Martijn (admin) Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:13 am

Stijn wrote:You can find the book online here:

Hello Stijn,

That is a different book, which was presented in 1960 by K.C. Sen bearing a slightly different title:

''Hast Samudrika Shastra''

(instead of the original title of the ancient work: ''Hasta Samudrika Shastra'')

PS. I have a copy of the book presented by K.C. Sen, the title is a bit misleading because this book is largely build on Western palmistry with many reference to European palmists from the past 200 years.  
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Martijn (admin)

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