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nail manicures Empty nail manicures

Post  jeanette Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:27 pm

Hi Everybody,
I know putting on nail varnish and filing nails has always been done and I used to do it myself. I always used white or pale pink and filed them not too long. I used to look at other women and some would have them very long with bright red varnish and I always got the impression they were, sort of in the clouds people. However, now the fashion is very long and, I think, they are filed square with about a quarter of an inch coloured white. What do you think this is conveying. I don't think it compares with my in the clouds category, as this is so popular that about a third of the female population would be in the clouds.

Last edited by Martijn (admin) on Sun Oct 24, 2010 5:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : title correction)

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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  Lynn Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:32 pm

Good question Jeanette! Obviously as palmists we see a lot of variety in nails.
I have also noticed the fashion trend for longer nails, "french manicure" with natural colour nails & squared white tips, and so many people nowadays with long false nails, some with glitter or multi-coloured, even elaborate pictures painted into them!

When I look at people's nails as a palmist, they often apologise or get embarrassed, but I am not looking at how well manicured they are! I am looking at the natural shape of the nails, colouration, markings such as white spots, vertical/horizontal ridges or any health indications etc.

Just some ideas from a palmistry perspective (off the top of my head) -

The back of the hand is the part we show most to the world (the palm is more concealed & says more about the 'inner person'). So the back of the hand is "the image we present to the world". Decorating the back of the hand is like saying "this is how I wish the world to see me". Hence, even wearing rings is significant in palmistry.

Manicured nails are showing a 'tidy' image, someone who wishes to 'present themselves well'. Your use of light coloured (guessing 'pearly') nail varnish - well presented, feminine, you're not hiding anything, they can see through the varnish to the 'real you'.

Deep red varnish is more fire element, vibrant, exciting, adventurous, even sexual. Actually from an element perspective, being 'in the clouds' is more a mix of water & air elements, whereas deep red is fire. Deep red also conceals the real person underneath. It can also add confidence. It is well known if you wish to feel more confident, wear red underwear! nail manicures Icon_razz

False nails actually cover up part of our real self, so in a sense I see them as presenting a 'false' image to the world. It can suggest some insecurity, being afraid to show the real self to the world, like a 'mask', a 'cover-up'. Often, the more elaborate the nail varnish patterns, the more the woman turns to material things & pampering themselves to try and fill some 'emotional gap' in their lives. I don't want this to sound bad or judgemental in any way, many people use various manners of (subconscious) 'psychological cover-ups' so that the world thinks better of us. I am generalising & would look to the rest of the hand for confirmation signs of such things. Of course some of it is just a fashion-trend, but again I think there are reasons why people feel compelled to follow fashion in any big way eg wanting to be accepted and fit in with what the majority are doing.

re "this is so popular that about a third of the female population would be in the clouds." I think a lot of men would agree with you nail manicures Icon_lol

does any of this make sense to you Jeanette? I am interested to hear what others think about nail varnish/manicures etc from a palmistry perspective.

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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  Den Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:17 am

Hi Lynn, I like your commentary on the nails. Long, manicured nails, the sign of the "kept woman". They accentuate the water qualities, at least in appearance. Not found on the down to earth types unless they are on a "man-hunt" nail manicures 865459 An extremely feminine quality...sign to men saying "Hey, I'm a hottie, and I like being pampered so deal with it" Not many women I see in chemistry labs have the long nails unless they are managers of some kind.

I was thinking of the Carol Burnett Show from the 70's and the skit with Mrs. Whiggins ( not sure if the Brits are familiar with) when you were talking about the head in the clouds. She was the dense and aloof secretary that had the long nails with fresh paint on them. She could hardly type, answer the phone...etc and drove her boss nuts.

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Post  jeanette Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:33 am

Hi Lynn,
Thanks very much for that detailed and informative answer and I think it is a very good analysis. As Den said you do not see it on the down to earth types.He mentioned,as an example, someone working in a chemistry lab and that is right. You wouldn't see a woman gutting fish with these nails. I think they are trying to put across that they want to be pampered because that is what they hope to become used to. I was also remembering, when Den quoted Carol Burnett. That was a common scene in films, plays,sketches etc showing a dizzy blonde or similar type. Sometimes a secretary,who is phoned and told detectives are on their way up, the boss has been found murdered and when they arrive she is sitting filing her nails. Everytime I see them I wonder what the heck do they work at or maybe they do not work at all. Sit all day pampering themselves. However, I think we have established that it has to be suitable work. The equivilant to this is the down to earth types knitting. Where I live the down to earth types used to knit all the time. Toilet attendants, woman while waiting in doctors sugeries to see the doctor,even the receptionists. My granny never stopped knitting, she was a real down to earth type and she knitted in some of the examples I have said. She even knitted on the beach when we went away for the day. Thanks Lynn and Den for your replies.

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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  sv-b Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:56 pm

Hi jeanette, Smile

The basic women's psychology on the nail varnish could be beyond our imagination. why dont males use nail varnish? what is the necessity of a women to make-up her nail? The answer is simple. When she decorate herself, she can attract and get the attention of males. why the color of nail polish is commonly used in pale red / red/ in extreme cases pink? Male's sexual arousal increases when he fumbles with female's nipple and genital orifice. The color of nail polish symbolically resembles the color of female nipples and genitalia. This is another way of attracting males by masking the social decency. In some countries, women who uses dark color nail varnish symbolises the prostitutes. Growing Long nails is to stimulate the males active at the time of sexual union. picking the nose symbolize ready for union. women who wears the dress which reveals most part of her back indicates that she likes anal sex. No offence in all the while. Few of the above interpretations were made by sigmaun freud, father of modern psychology.


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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  jeanette Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:54 am

Hi Stalin,
Well, my God that was some reply.I just cannot take it in. I have read it once and I don't think I could read it again. However, maybe different cultures play a part in this. Thanks for saying no offence and maybe some members will find this informative.

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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  sv-b Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:56 pm

Hello jeanette, Smile

sorry for your dis-comfort. but, it is true that we, humans follow our customs generation after generation without knowing the intention behind them. By asking the question "why" to any matter of custom gives the answer through the reasoning power/logic. I give you the link to read the article about oedipus complex, That is some facts about human developmental psychology. you can understand how the mind of male and female children evolves .
Here is the link.


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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  Martijn (admin) Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:22 pm

stalin.v wrote:Hi jeanette, Smile

The basic women's psychology on the nail varnish could be beyond our imagination. why dont males use nail varnish? what is the necessity of a women to make-up her nail? The answer is simple. When she decorate herself, she can attract and get the attention of males. ... Few of the above interpretations were made by sigmaun freud, father of modern psychology.
Hi Stalin,

While Freud indeed was the founding father of 'scientific psychology' - the truth is that most of his ideas are by now REJECTED by the majority of modern psychologists.

Regarding your 'psychoanalytic theory' about nail polish (color), I would like to point out that human behavior in general can usually not be explained properly by pointing out to one single motive. And that is exactly what you did - your theory appears to be that there is a direct connection between nail polish color & the intention of a women.

I admit, it could have been one of Freud's (silly) ideas. But I also think that being aware that the motive behind using red nail polish color may actually vary from person to person... is for sure a sensible idea.

Stalin, you've completely ignored the aspect of ... beauty & esthetics!

For example, it's a scientific truth that women typically have a significantly higher sense for beauty & esthetics. The use of hair styling, make-up, nail polish are typical 'female' expressions.

But the intentions behind these expressions may vary from person to person!! Some women simply enjoy to look at the colours of their nails... and the motive for this behavior is likely much more related to beauty & esthetics, than to attract the attention of the other sexe.

Actually... I think it is much more likely that women put their efforts on their nails for herself, maybe to catch some attention from girlfriends. For, I think it's a fact that man men do not pay any attention at the nail polish of women's nails at all - though some men are very aware that many women appreciate to receive a compliment...!

Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  Martijn (admin) Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:49 pm

jeanette wrote:Hi Stalin,
Well, my God that was some reply.I just cannot take it in. I have read it once and I don't think I could read it again. However, maybe different cultures play a part in this. Thanks for saying no offence and maybe some members will find this informative.
Thanks Jeanette,

I fully understand your point of view & perception - and I must admit that I fear for that some of the female members (especially those who are using nail polish), could easily take Stalin's words as an insult.

While Stalin's opinion finds a ground in Freud's theory - I do think that Stalin presented his ideas sort of as a scientific truth (without providing any reference backing up his 'nail polish theory').

From my point of view, his opion appears to be completely grounded in the (outdated) Freudian theory, which does make it sound quite a bit like an 'autistic' point of view.

(I have described a few other consideration in my former response)

Jeanette, thank you again for posting your response.
And I am sure that others appreciate your honesty!

Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  sv-b Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:12 pm

Hello martijn, Smile

I appreciate your response. Freud relates every move of human activity with sexuality begining from development of infant and child to the gesture of adult and old man , including dream symbolism of all kind. But, There is no theory of freud was outdated as there can be no better alternative theory made
so far. beauty, aesthetic, and refined - These are decent synonyms of sexuality in psychological terms. Freud is not only relating nail varnish with sexuality. He relates Lip stick and other self-decoration of girls with sexuality. When he introduced the theory of sexuality in childrens, he faced many opposition from the society. but, Those theories are even now universally existing in academic text books and followed by professionals. karl jung, who was assistant of freud had slight-alternative opinion. but, Even today, freudian theories are being basics for modern psychology. Likewise, many recent psycho-analyst are finding new terminology in psychology almost every decades like emotional intelligence, social intelligence etc., But, all psychological theories are ever-expanding, but, without finding the absolute. because, They cannot co-relate all their theory materialistically, rather anatomically. Hence, helplessly many psychologist choose their best out of many existing theories depends on their individual taste. There are many branches in psychology. but, every thing remain theories based on the observation of individual psycho-analysts. so, I cannot neglect freudian theory, infact no modern psychologist do, by saying it "outdated theory". However, when treating patients they have no alternative than using sedatives and psycho-active drugs, which are temporarily keep the patients
in drowsy state. again it is helpless situation of psychologists.


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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  Martijn (admin) Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:33 pm

stalin.v wrote:Hello martijn, Smile

I appreciate your response. Freud relates every move of human activity with sexuality begining from development of infant and child to the gesture of adult and old man , including dream symbolism of all kind. But, There is no theory of freud was outdated as there can be no better alternative theory made
so far. ...

Sorry Stalin, I think you were misinformed... Freud's theory is completely outdated.

Let me explain...

For example, have you noticed the wikipedia page about Sigmund Freud?:

See the chapter 'science':

"Austrian-British philosopher Karl Popper argued that Freud's psychoanalytic theories were presented in untestable form.[64] Psychology departments in American universities today are scientifically oriented, and Freudian theory has been marginalized, being regarded instead as a "desiccated and dead" historical artifact, according to a recent APA study."

This quote perfectly illustrates why I described Freud's theory as, and I repeat: a (completely) outdated theory.

Stalin, if you think that Freud's theories are still included in the 'modern' theories used by today's (academic) psychologists... I am sorry, but then I must inform you: this is not true.

Here you can read more about why Freud's theory was criticized from multiple perspectives (see chapter 3):

By the way, even Freud's major students eventually disagree with some basics of his theory - the NEO-Freudian movements are a clear illustration for that fact.
Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  sv-b Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:00 pm

Hello martin, Smile

you missed some of the content of my last message. Hence, i highlight them below

stalin.v wrote: many recent psycho-analyst are finding new terminology in psychology almost every decades like emotional intelligence, social intelligence etc., But, all psychological theories are ever-expanding, but, without finding the absolute. because, They cannot co-relate all their theory materialistically, rather anatomically. Hence, helplessly many psychologist choose their best out of many existing theories depends on their individual taste. There are many branches in psychology. but, every thing remain theories based on the observation of individual psycho-analysts. so, I cannot neglect freudian theory, infact no modern psychologist do, by saying it "outdated theory". However, when treating patients they have no alternative than using sedatives and psycho-active drugs, which are temporarily keep the patients
in drowsy state. again it is helpless situation of psychologists.

Infact, There is no academic approval required to claim that former theory is wrong. because, There is no presence of materialistic evidences which can be given by psychologist in order to disprove former theories. There is no much difference between philosophical arguements and psychological arguements. Because in both cases, giving the materialistic evident is difficult, rather they can present only examples and it's variants. we feel that the word "Update" lead us towards perfection. But, it just reflects only the "impairment of the principle itself" or "utter ignorance". Next generation peoples can update something by changing the existing theories. That means, we are following wrong theories in this century. Hence, Our expectation suppose to be "Flawless theories which does not call for correction and updates". This can be obtained only by philosophy and wisdom, not by theories.


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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  Martijn (admin) Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:21 pm

(Stalin, I didn't miss your comment)

Ok Stalin, let's agree... that we disagree about the value of Freud's theory.

By the way, Stalin... feel free to start a new topic about Freud - in an appropriate forum; I could even take the initiave by posting a impressions from his hands.

Anyway, time to bring this topic back to where it belongs - because obviously:
Very Happy I guess we both went ofto with our considerations regarding Freud's theory.

(Sorry Jeanette)

Now, let's get back to Jeanette's topic... (by the way, confused did Freud ever say anything about fingernails specific? Maybe somebody can present a Freud quote???)
Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  jeanette Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:21 pm

Hi Martijin,
If you start a topic on Freud we will be reading posts again about depravity. Am I right in thinking that anyone can view this forum. So if that is right I think you will now have to say persons of sixteen years and over can only access, as the forum has now become x rated. We now have advice on pornographic personality readings. Imagine, for example, a woman with red nail polish and a backless dress being told the interpretation posted. All I can say is God help us.

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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  Lynn Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:29 am

Hi Jeanette,

Personally, I agree that it would be very wrong of anyone to assume that a woman wearing red nail varnish and a backless dress was looking for what stalin said it indicates!

Thanks for sharing your concerns about this thread.
Martijn & I (the forum moderators) would have intervened IMMEDIATELY if people started sharing "pornographic personality readings". We are very aware of 'proper forum ethics', and any form of pornography is not acceptable on this forum.

We have discussed it again after seeing your latest response, and re-considered what (if anything) needed to be moderated here. There are some words with an obviously explicit sexual meaning. But Stalin posted those words in the context of Freud's theories and also possibly some cultural differences (rather than in any pornographic manner).

We appreciate that you've shared your worries - but we feel that so far there is no need to intervene. We are still looking further into your point about what is acceptable content on a public forum that could be accessed by minors, and if we notice any rules being broken we will immediately delete any offensive / unnacceptable content.

best wishes from both forum moderators, Lynn & Martijn.


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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  sv-b Mon Oct 25, 2010 4:46 am

Hello lynn and jeanette, Smile

1. what's the relation between psychology and cultural variations? dont psychologists follow their theories universally. The psychological and dictionary definition of Emotions, intellect, will, logic, and sexuality of each gives same understanding to all peoples in this world universally irrespective of any cultural variation and limits. freud is western philosopher and psycho-analysts. That doesn't mean that his theories are only applicable to westerns. Infact, Those are applicable to any culture .
2. Psychology on emotion is the most important, leading as well as greater part than other branches of it's own. sexuality is a emotional aspect of human. Every species in this world has overwhelming emotion to save it's progeny. Emotion are being power centre and gives energy for our lively enthusiastic activity, including sexual acts.

There is no standard moral we can find in this society. we could see the Social Morals only at the religious text books, not in the conscience of human. Because, Morals varies individual to individual, which can be measured by the conscience of the individual himself. social decency and personality traits are mask to the human. Psychological theories dare to focus and explain those mask of human and look at the person's real emotion and intellectual capacities. In the name of moral, many times we hide our mistakes rather than leading a truthful life. Nowadays, especially in british, sex educations are taught to the school going children in order to make them aware of what they feel and what they do. Absence of this awareness in the children suppress their desire and pushes their feelings into their conscience. This reflects at their adulthood as sense of "guilt" and worries. In these modern computerized world, they have lot of opportunity to revise the porn sites. Hence, I dont think that what i explained was depravity as said by jeanette. Rather most of depravity acts are fastened by the modern technology, in the name of internet, media mobile phones etc., I recently read a news that claims that nowadays school going childrens use to take the porn video of their collegue through their multi-media mobile phones
and sending them to others via mms. In this modern world, where can we find morals..?! Unfortunately, we praises the invention of modern science by focusing only it's merits and leaving the equal percentages of it's de-merits.


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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  Martijn (admin) Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:56 pm

jeanette wrote:Hi Martijin,
If you start a topic on Freud we will be reading posts again about depravity. Am I right in thinking that anyone can view this forum. So if that is right I think you will now have to say persons of sixteen years and over can only access, as the forum has now become x rated. We now have advice on pornographic personality readings. Imagine, for example, a woman with red nail polish and a backless dress being told the interpretation posted. All I can say is God help us.

Hi Jeanette,

Yes, anyone is welcome to view all discussions at this forum. And I take you worries very seriously. I have just send you a PM in which I describe the actions that I have taken to 'safeguard' the quality of our discussions.

And I hope that you are able to welcome these actions as well.

Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  Martijn (admin) Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:57 pm

Dear members,

Let's continue this discussion by talking about Jeanette's topic... the (psychological) interpretation of 'nail manicures'!!

NOTICE - This is a 'strict' request: new posts might be moderated/deleted when the content does do not follow this request.
Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  sv-b Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:28 pm

Hello martijn, jeanette, and lynn,

Thanks for all your input. I have not posted such a bad message so far. But, I found emotional response rather than intellectual opposition. I read the freud psychology in my mother tongue. so , i am unable to quote the message delivered by him though i can do it in near future. but, Definitely it must be noted that without giving significances of his theory, if you further say that those are outdated, i will feel no sensibility there. Even a layman can oppose the psychological theory emotionally. but, i wait for all your evidences through "alternative" theory of the same. if it happens, i respond you back invariably. Waiting...........


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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  jeanette Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:11 pm

Hi Stalin,
I cannot understand a lot of what you are saying on this subject, however I understood what I commented on, but after considering things I have decided I will make no comment if I do not like what you are saying and concentrate on what I find interesting and helpful in your posts.

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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  sv-b Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:34 pm

Hello jeanette, Smile

I really appreciate your decision. it's great ! Most of the time i feel difficulty in understanding the phrases used by the westerners. but, the condition seems reversible today Smile . what can i do. . . . I have short and dropped little finger. I may not be really sure why didn't you understand my arguements? is it because of my verbal error or due to some other reasons.... if you explain it , it will be helpful to correct myself. Thanks for your open opinion. I see the 7th stage of life which was mentioned by shakespere.


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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  jeanette Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:18 pm

Hi Stalin,
To put it as plainly as I can. I cannot understand how the topic nail manicures developed into what it became. So hopefully this concludes it.

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nail manicures Empty Re: nail manicures

Post  sv-b Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:13 am

Hello jeanette, Smile

My latter responses was put up to represent the reasoning behind freudian theories, which you find like depravity.


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