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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  yogiman Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:09 am

"Modern hand reading starts with a quest for hand sign combinations;
isolated hand signs represent hardly any significance."

All books about palm reading are about the significance of isolated hand signs. So what is the use of studying books?


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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty Re: The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  Martijn (admin) Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:50 am

yogiman wrote:"Modern hand reading starts with a quest for hand sign combinations;
isolated hand signs represent hardly any significance."

All books about palm reading are about the significance of isolated hand signs. So what is the use of studying books?

Yes yogiman, you are correct that most books basically only deal with isolated hand signs.

In my perception far most books have limited value; they basically provide an introduction/overview to the concepts used inside the hand reading culture. But one can find sometimes fundamental contradictions between books.

For example, some authors believe that the heart line starts below the pinky finger... while others believe it to start below the index finger; and some authors believe the thumb side of the hand to represent the 'inner world', while others believe it to represent the 'outer world'. But most authors do not even bother about defining the meaning of the concepts 'inner world' and 'outer world'!

Interestingly, in both examples both groups of authors are usually confident that their approach is likely the one and only right approach... but basically only because both groups claim that they have received positive feedback, etc.

The so-called Barnum-effect may partly explain how this situation in the literature evolved... but the 'modern hand reading paradigm' may also explain another part, because any hand feature may get compensated/neutralized by other hand features!

I hope this makes sense?

Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty Re: The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  yogiman Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:07 pm

Hi Martijn,

I think that you are by far the most reliable source for palmistry on the internet. I like to know what is the best way to learn handreading.


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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty Re: The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  Martijn (admin) Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:11 pm

yogiman wrote:Hi Martijn,

I think that you are by far the most reliable source for palmistry on the internet. I like to know what is the best way to learn handreading.

Well, thanks! hand dance 

PS. Assuming that your last words include a question, my advice would be: take everything you read with a healthy dose of scepticism... and try to find your own way into this field. I hope that is enough for you to know?
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Martijn (admin)

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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty advice

Post  jeanette Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:44 pm

The P.S. in that last post is the best advice I have ever heard.

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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty Re: The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  Martijn (admin) Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:33 pm

jeanette wrote:The P.S. in that last post is the best advice I have ever heard.

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Martijn (admin)

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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty Re: The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  yogiman Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:51 am

Thank you for your honest advice. But it feels it will take years of effort, and even then you will not be for sure. Besides, I hoped that palm reading would be different in nature from astrology and tarot. However, also for palm reading I doubt you can do without a sixth sense.

And I have some other questions left for you:

I suppose that some books, with their signification of isolated features (though they should be supported by other features), hint in the right direction ?

Is it only possible to do a good palm reading while getting information from the querent?

Are you going to write an ebook yourself?

How do I make the best use of this website?


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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty Re: The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  rajashri Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:08 am

Hello yogiman,

I am sorry these questions have not been addressed to me, yet I would like to answer just one question on palmistry.

The study of hands does tell  us a lot about our own and others psychology, yet there is no substitute for, in knowing a person closely.

Our HANDS represent our whole selves and not the individual lines or mounts/quadrants, similarly we can know ourselves only within the background of other beings and individually with a relationship with God. Therefore we have an idea of individual features also, but not Whole when dealing with lines or other features only. (this is the subject of mysticism ).

Be it a psychopath, a friend or a Guru, one can know them only through a relation with one's own self. There is NO OTHER WAY !!

God can be known only through developing a personal relation with HIM/HER/ IT.

Prayer and Communion !



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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty Re: The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  Martijn (admin) Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:44 pm

yogiman wrote:Thank you for your honest advice. But it feels it will take years of effort, and even then you will not be for sure. Besides, I hoped that palm reading would be different in nature from astrology and tarot. However, also for palm reading I doubt you can do without a sixth sense.

And I have some other questions left for you:

I suppose that some books, with their signification of isolated features (though they should be supported by other features), hint in the right direction ?

Is it only possible to do a good palm reading while getting  information from the querent?

Are you going to write an ebook yourself?

How do I make the best use of this website?

Sorry, I think most of your questions are off-topic here... but since you created this topic I am willing to give you a few answers.

For sure, some aspects of hand reading do have a solid (scientific) foundation, but in my perception this relates mostly to the medical branch of hand reading. Additionally, one can recognize how the morphology of the hand presents a reflection of the individual's biology & hormones... which also get involved with behavior. This makes some aspects of hand reading very different from astrology & tarot.

However, I think it is also crucial to be aware that in the CULTURE of hand reading many authors have made created a system of associative/intuitive connections & assumptions, which may look appealing at first sight - especially in the perspective of astrology (regarding references to planetary gods/archetypes) & tarot (regarding divination).

Unfortunately, there are no solid grounds at all to assume that hand reading will become more effective when combined with astrology, tarot or any other divination tool. Though I am not denying that some practitioners make such claims! However, such approaches are like to represent basically not much more than a (culturally biased) believe system where theories get developed from abstract principles (often derived esoteric philosophies or religion).

No need to use a 'sixth sense' at all, nor is it necessary to get info from the querent in order to give a hand reading. However, 'quality' is in this field usually a matter of (arbitrary) perception: there is not much consensus (especially since individual hand readers tend to stick with the princples that they learned (from the books or their teachers).

Unfortunately, few hand readers appear to be aware that the so-called psychological pitfalls (such as the Forer-effect) become larger when people are asked to pay money for a reading... because unconsciously the querents are usually inclined to 'create personal value' through a process of subjective validation. This issue has hardly ever been described/discussed in the hand reading literature, which kind of explain why most hand readers never really bother about this fundamental problem,

So, yes... I think it will probably take efforts & time in order to learn recognize quality in this field in an objective manner.

I am sorry that I am not able to give you any 'easy' answers. I have no plans to write an ebook, but my hand research continues.

Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty Re: The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  Lynn Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:54 pm

yogiman wrote:
But it feels it will take years of effort, and even then you will not be for sure. Besides, I hoped that palm reading would be different in nature from astrology and tarot. However, also for palm reading I doubt you can do without a sixth sense....
....I suppose that some books, with their signification of isolated features (though they should be supported by other features), hint in the right direction ?
Is it only possible to do a good palm reading while getting  information from the querent?.....
Yes it takes years! But if you are passionate about the subject it does not feel like 'effort' Smile  
Yes some books hint in the right direction, but the difficulty was in knowing which books? which parts of those books? which features to combine? how to work out apparent contradictions? etc.
After I studied my first palmistry course, I read lots of books, annotated interpretations they had in common - where they agreed & disagreed. I read lots of hands of people I know, and their friends, and asked them to tell me which parts are right and wrong, to try and ascertain which interpretations worked and which didn't. This left me with more questions than answers, and doubting a lot of the old palmistry interpretations. Then I took the courses on 5-element hand analysis and it all started to come together for me. From first beginning to feeling I had some real understanding was approx a 10 year journey.

You don't need a 6th sense for hand analysis.  You don't need to ask your client for any information.  All I ask is if they are right or left handed, and their age.

Palm reading is different in nature from tarot (I don't do astrology so I can't comment on that). For one thing, your hand is all about YOU, whereas tarot can bring in more about external influences, other people. I think perhaps tarot relies more on instinct / 6th sense than hand analysis does??

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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty Re: The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  Lynn Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:18 pm

rajashri wrote:Hello yogiman,

I am sorry these questions have not been addressed to me, yet I would like to answer just one question on palmistry.

The study of hands does tell  us a lot about our own and others psychology, yet there is no substitute for, in knowing a person closely.

Our HANDS represent our whole selves and not the individual lines or mounts/quadrants, similarly we can know ourselves only within the background of other beings and individually with a relationship with God. Therefore we have an idea of individual features also, but not Whole when dealing with lines or other features only. (this is the subject of mysticism ).

Be it a psychopath, a friend or a Guru, one can know them only through a relation with one's own self.  There is NO OTHER WAY !!

God can be known only through developing a personal relation with HIM/HER/ IT.

Prayer and Communion !


hi rajashri, likewise you did not address your comments to me, but I like to reply  Laughing 

whilst I agree that "Our HANDS represent our whole selves" and  "one can know them only through a relation with one's own self.", and I think I agree that "we can know ourselves only within the background of other beings". However, "we can know ourselves only....individually with a relationship with God."  That is your belief, not mine  Smile 

re "The study of hands does tell  us a lot about our own and others psychology, yet there is no substitute for, in knowing a person closely."
I'm not sure about this. eg for my hand analysis exam I wrote 50 pages (OK, it was double-line spaced!  Wink ) about someone I had never met, just by analysing their handprints. I'm not sure I could write 50 pages even about my husband or best friend from 'knowing a person closely' ? (without looking at their hands)?  thinking

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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty Re: The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  rajashri Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:26 pm

Hi Lynn,

You are right about your viewpoint. Everybody is right in his position of consciousness.

I am not implying that we are all wasting time learning to read HANDS !........ My comment was for Yogiman (only) after reading his several posts on palmistry queries. The impression I got from his posts compelled me to answer in a deeper sense which normally others would misunderstand. And that is what has happened precisely.

Whatever I write are my spontaneous responses. I cannot be like others. I am bound to be unashamedly myself as the lines on my HANDS interpret, if I do not, then I stagnate and I become a permanent Bonsai.

Anybody who feels offended by my posts could directly tell me so without hesitation, I will not mind. Anyways, I may quit any time as the purpose for joining this forum is accomplished. I have explored myself and learnt a lot. Thanks to all !!

Before that I want to clarify a few things....... I have received some e-mails for hand reading requests in this span of time. Probably our friends are under this impression that I am a Psychic hand reader. I am not. I am not interested in reading others hands at all. I am more interested in reading the LAWS and PSYCHOLOGY of nature on the whole including human beings and God.
I learn from others and contemplate on any topic and I receive insights. That's it !

My take on Palmistry-------- We do need to use the INTUITION  with REASONING. Even the modern readers do that. You cannot deny that faculty of mind. We all do that, but all may not be aware. The businessmen, scientists, sports person, leaders and even a Mother of a child relies on this faculty of mind. All palmists do that, from ancient to modern ones. Johnny Fincham also recommends.

But Psychic reading is something else. There is less use or NO use of the reasoning mind. These people are bound to their Karmic pattern . There is a general misconception about Psychics. They are thought to be spiritually advanced, which is an erroneous thinking.
If people are earning money through such "divination" as they call it, they are despised by many which is not right. One should let them go about their own paths, as they also need to work out their karmas......

I read in one of the replies to a general reading as to control the nature of his moon mount as one tends to be overdramatic. Friends, what is wrong in being overdramatic if the person gets some confidence out of it ? If his moon mount compels him to express things with a display of DRAMA, how can he control that ? Let us respect OUR UNIQUE natures.

That's all Friends ! My best wishes and regards to all !!

 Thank you!   Very Happy   flower 



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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty Re: The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  yogiman Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:29 pm

rajashri wrote:
I read in one of the replies to a general reading as to control the nature of his moon mount as one tends to be overdramatic. Friends, what is wrong in being overdramatic if the person gets some confidence out of it ? If his moon mount compels him to express things with a display of DRAMA, how can he control that ? Let us respect OUR UNIQUE natures.

This was Carl Jungs take. You can control the lion by whipping him or by giving meat,(or both).


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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty Re: The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  rajashri Fri Aug 08, 2014 3:57 am

Hello Yogiman,

The lion is actually getting whipped or tamed is the perception of the Lion and may not be the Truth.... my mind may produce clever answers but that is not what I am trying to imply.

Whatever I wrote is my own realization , otherwise I would have mentioned the names in "Quotes".......I have never read any book of Carl Jung but have read innumerable references and quotes in the books of western and Indian masters. ................this debate is never ending, I refuse to participate further. I repeat again, and this time with conviction that........

"If you really want to know yourself or others truly and deeply, you HAVE TO know GOD, without that it is impossible to know..... hand reading is just the beginning.
If you want to know  from a professional viewpoint, then its fine. I am telling only to those who want to know the truth and not to others, so if you belong to the later category then PLEASE ignore my message.

It is the same thing what Jesus has said in different words......"First ye know the kingdom of God then all else will be added unto you ".......... I do not remember the exact words from bible.....
I have experienced this myself and I do not hesitate to declare it !!!



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The modern hand reading paradigm Empty Re: The modern hand reading paradigm

Post  Martijn (admin) Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:26 am

Meanwhile the Modern Hand Reading Paradigm become a little bit more specified (see the homepage of this forum):

STEP 1: "Modern hand reading starts with a quest for hand sign combinations; isolated hand signs hardly bear any significance."

STEP 2: "Proper hand assessment nearly always requires
a 'multi-dimensional' approach."

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Martijn (admin)

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