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Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts?

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Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts? Empty Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts?

Post  Martijn (admin) Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:41 am

Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts? Radial-loop-fingerprints

It appears that radial loops have been underestimated so far; many well-known authors (including: L. Reid, A. Holtzman, H. Asano) did not even mention radial loops in their section about fingerprints. Therefore I have written an article summarizing 10 facts which illustrate the significance of radial loop fingerprints:

1 - FACT: Radial loop are the least common of the 4 major patterns
2 - FACT: Radial loops are most common on index fingers
3 - FACT: Radial loops represent an ulnar shift in volar pad location
4 - FACT: Radial loop prevalence varies between countries & continents (most common in Europeans, least common in Oceania)
5 - FACT: Radial loops are more common in males (about 0.5% more common than in females)
6 - FACT: Radial loops tend to have a different distribution across the fingers in genetic disorders
7 - FACT: Radial loops have only rarely been associated with diseases
8 - FACT: Radial loops are slightly more common in extraverts (up to twice more common)
9 - FACT: Radial loops are more closely associated with arches, and less with whorls!
10 FACT: Some famous people have radial loops! (E.g. Ted Bundy, Walt Disney, John Lennon, Malcolm X, Barack Obama senior)

Many more details about these facts are presented in the article:

(You are welcome to discuss radial loops inside this topic and/or share more facts!)

Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts? Radial-loops-around-the-world

Last edited by Martijn (admin) on Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

Posts : 5261
Join date : 2010-07-23
Location : The Netherlands

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Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts? Empty Re: Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts?

Post  Martijn (admin) Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:07 am

The article is now also featured with radial loop descriptions from the books presented by Ed Campbell, Magda van Dijk, Johnny Fincham & Jennifer Hirsch (at the bottom of the article).

PS. The article also describes why radial loops can be recognized to represent a distinctive category seperate from the ulnar loops due to how they start developing - see picture below (+ radial loop fact 3 inside the article).

Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts? Volar-pad-shape-fingerprint-configuration
Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

Posts : 5261
Join date : 2010-07-23
Location : The Netherlands

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Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts? Empty Re: Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts?

Post  Martijn (admin) Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:35 am


The distribution of radial loops appears to be different in extraverts and introverts:

- Radial loops on both index fingers appear more common among extraverts (11.8%) than among introverts (4.5%);
- Radial loops on the pinky or ring finger appear more common among introverts (4.5%) than among extraverts (0%).

This implicates that radial loops in general do not provide a clue regarding the Big Five personality dimension, however, the distribution of radial loops can represent a clue.

For more details see radial loop fact 8 inside the article:

Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts? Radial-loop-distribution-fingerprints-extraverts-introverts
Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

Posts : 5261
Join date : 2010-07-23
Location : The Netherlands

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Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts? Empty Re: Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts?

Post  Martijn (admin) Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:21 pm

Article has been rewritten/updated - radial loop fact 9 has been replaced (in the previous version a comment was made regarding tented arches being positioned between arches, radial loops & ulnar loops - the earlier comment is now featured as arch fact 9: HERE)

Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts? Radial_loop
Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

Posts : 5261
Join date : 2010-07-23
Location : The Netherlands

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Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts? Empty Re: Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts?

Post  Martijn (admin) Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:55 pm

Radial loop fingerprints: what are the facts? Fingerprint-patterns-personality-temperaments

Based on a brand new approach involving 18 fingerprint pattern types, radial loops can now also be recognized to get associated with a 'choleric temperament'; the details are presented in this article, titled:

Fingerprints & Behavior: Advanced Explorations involving Personality & Temperament!

The report also describes how multiple radial patterns in one hand show a tendency towards Neuroticism high scorers (N+), and small radial patterns or radial loops combined with small ulnar patterns on the other fingers show a tendency towards Extraversion high scorers (E+).

NOTICE: N+ combined with E+ is typical for the Choleric temperament
Martijn (admin)
Martijn (admin)

Posts : 5261
Join date : 2010-07-23
Location : The Netherlands

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